Repeat after me: Repetition is key. See what I did there? ;-) Seriously though, if you go ham on your abs every day, 20 days straight, you will see results. Case in point, results from my last 20-day challenge...

20 days, 1,450 sit-ups, 1,450 crunches, 580 leg raises, 2,150 seconds of plank (almost 39 minutes of planks). It may seem daunting all spelled out like that, but that's why we take it one day at a time, ya'll.
I was getting quarantine-complacent. Nothing to work towards, no reason to do a challenge or fight for my "best bod ever" — which I do every summer, just to prove to myself that I still can. But there was nothing to push towards, so I didn't push at all. Until one day I decided, if I truly only do this for me every summer, why am I not doing it for me now? I don't need a tropical vaca or bachelorette party to push me — I just need ME to push me.
So, for 5-10 minutes a day I dropped and did my core crush challenge. Every day. And if I didn't get the whole thing in I'd add it on to the next day. I'd split it up and get the sit-ups out of the way in the AM, then crunches midday, and then leg raises and plank in front of the TV at night. But no matter what, I'd get it in. I had reminders set in my phone, fit-fam joining in to keep each other accountable, and I just took it one day at a time.
All this to say, anyone can handle 5-10 minutes for 20 days. COMMIT. And join me for the next 20 days, because what else do you have to do in quarantine? #justsayin #noexcuses

Who's with me!?
