Floppy hats—are they practical? Sure. They shield from the sun, they guard celebs from the paps, and they do a K I L L E R job of hiding roots. But do we really wear them for that reason? #letsbereal No. We wear them because they are flippy, floppy & fabulous. Because they take any outfit from, "cute", to "hello, lover" <3 Brown, black, beige—I own them all, I flop them all.
On another note—don't let your eyes deceive you - this incredible location is not an enchanting forest, although it does transform into one through the lens. Believe it or not, this is where I grew up. Not directly living except for a blip during my 20s, but I grew up going to every event, occasion & festivity under the sun at this land of enchantment. Though, then, it was just, "the farm." Nothing enchanting, magical or soul-wrenching about it.

Then, a friendor {Misa*Me Photography} asked for location ideas—somewhere with open space, fields galore and glamorous outdoor charm {there is such a thing}, and I flippantly said, "well, my family has this land..." Being the fabulous photog she is, she saw something I never saw—the enchantment. So she gathered a team of the most beautiful, kind & glamorously enchanting people & props and turn "the farm" into "the enchanted forest." Now, it's the same ol' place...I just have a different perspective <3

{P.S. Photo cred to my raggamuffin-of-a-sister—who knew she was a closet bloggographer?!}
Coat: JollyChic {the w a r m e s t thing you ever did bundle in} // Cardigan: JollyChic {if you haven't already noticed, this site is a shopaholic's k r y p to n i t e!} Also love this geometric style & asymmetric neon style. See—addiction! // Pants: J.Crew Factory {oldies} Similar & similar with bonus leather striping // Hat: Forever21 {gifted}, Similar in brown & black // Shoes: Kiki La'Rue {a FAV & a must!} // Necklace: Nordstrom Rack {in-store sale, no longer available}, Similar & Hello baby blue L O V E R {Wishlist} // Rings: Tribal Stackables - Forever21 {oldies}, Similar & MAJ{Wishlist}; Grey Chalcedony ring - H&M {no longer available}, Similar & ROCKS my world {pun-intended} {Wishlist} // Bracelet: DC Eastern Market {gifted}, Similar & Chevron-twist! // Lip Cocktail: Kat Von D in Rosary {hard to track down! May be able to scour Amazon} topped with Covergirl Lipstick Embrace 335 {also found at Target}