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Nikki Cagle


Winter has a way of depressing by suppressing. Everything from daylight, to warmth on your bones, to your drive to workout, to your will to eat well—it is all squashed by Winter. The days are shorter, unbearably colder, encourage layers {of body fat and clothing} & undoubtedly provoke the pantry-eater in you. There are no visions of poolside romps, beach body bikinis, endless fresh veggie & fruit options, or any drive-worthy factors to 'put the oatmeal cream pie down, and walk away from the pantry...' Now, before this completely demoralizes you and sends you into a Hostess Cakes-feast of Winter proportions {those powdered doughnuts though...}, let me turn this post around. There are only:

30 Days until Daylight Savings {helloooo sunshine!}

41 Days until Spring

107 Days until Memorial Day Weekend {unofficial kickoff to Summer}

137 Days until Summer!

Which means, the time is N I G H to get this beach body started. And what better way to jump feet first into bikini-bliss than signing up for a 10-miler?! Say it with me now... CRAZY! Exciting! With a few 5K's sprinkled throughout, a 10-miler at the climax, and V E G A S as the ultimate reward, this ten week calendar will keep me in check and on track. Oh, and did I mention the Big 3-0 at the core of all of this? Well yea, there's that. So, whether you're counting down to sunshiney-days, spring break debauchery, a milestone birthday, a bucket list run, or some other form of light at the end of this bitter-cold tunnel, I hope this post restarts your engine & starts your kickass countdown! I'll also be joining a Clean Eating Challenge next week that will be sure to rid my Winter-bod of all of those holiday indulgences and prepare it for the road {or treadmill} to come. In the meantime, create your own countdown, download this training calendar {inspired by the infamous Hal Higdon training programs}, tailor it to your 2015 fitness bucket list & join me in springing forward—NOW!

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