Every year I create a workout calendar using Vistaprint {because they have the best sales and never disappoint on quality} — typically filled with quotes that I've cobbled together from Pinterest that basically say: MOVE YOUR ASS. It helps me to see a powerful quote staring at me in my workout room — especially ones from Jillian Michaels who I will gladly climb a mountain for. #girlboss
There is also something so rewarding about writing down your workout in plain old fashioned pen-to-paper. I love looking back at a month filled to the brim with workouts and a few PR's sprinkled throughout {hopefully...}, and know that I can always go back to a month when I felt great and repeat the same workout patterns.
Coming off the heels of a year completely dedicated to Tone It Up {TIU}, I decided to do the next logical thing and theme my 2019 calendar all around TIU. Because I'm that obsessed.. er, psycho... let's go with: Dedicated.
How to make your own 2019 TIU calendar
Simply right click, copy, and save each month's photo. Create a calendar through Vistaprint {or your choice of printing company}, and voila!
And, because TIU is all about community, I am doing a giveaway on my Instagram for a free TIU calendar!! The calendar I create even has some additional adorable perks, like, duh: Karena and Katrina's {& baby Bella's} birthdays. I told you: "Dedicated."












I also make one fitness goal for myself every year — something at least somewhat attainable. I'm not going to set myself up for failure and resolve to workout seven days a week, or run a marathon, or do anything completely crazy, but I do make it something out of my norm — something that will challenge me. So 2019's challenge is: Do a handstand. I'll check back in 2020 and let ya'll know if I was completely off my rocker.
