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These Are a Few of My Favorite {Beachwaver} Things

Nikki Cagle

IT'S ON. The biggest dang Beachwaver sale of the year. Beachwavers for $69. SIXTY-NINE DOLLARS, PEOPLE. I already have two in my cart... who cares if I own five. Who cares, I say! When they are $69 you buy back-ups - and gifts!

Okay, calm down you. Aside from the 'wavers, their other tools {read: flat irons} and products {read: amazing} are also on mega sale. If you can't bring yourself to buy it all {wuss}, these are my absolute must-haves {must use this link and BLACKFRIDAY30 to score the killer deals}.

Before you dive in, here are the major details you should know:

  • This sale runs from 11/22/19 - 12/2/19. After that, prices go back to norm, but you can still use my code NIKKICAGLEWAVE for 10% off at any time.

  • Certified Open Box (COB) or Certified Second Wave beachwavers are cheaper... but what are they? These are 'wavers that were returned, un-opened, or maybe the box was messed up from the get-go - but the irons are still in tip-top shape. They're not a second-hand 'waver because they've never been used. I have several of these and they are in perfect shape — the only downfall is that they're only in the black and grey style, and I prefer the white and grey style, but hey, beggers can't be choosers #amirite

  • Must use this link to access the sale with my code, and must use code BLACKFRIDAY30 to get the mega sale {ends 12/2/19}.

Now, on to all the things you should buy...

1. The Beachwaver S1.25 - The gateway 'waver

Whenever anyone asks me what size to get, I almost always say the S1.25. It's my daily waver, and I've come to realize that long, short (even shoulder length or slightly above), curly, or straight hair — this is the preferred size for daily wear.

Price of NEW iron: $129

*Black Friday price: $90.30

Price of a COB iron: $99

*Black Friday price: $69.30

2. The Beachwaver S1 - The 'waver for fancier you

This is the waver I use when I want to be a little more dressed up — so, date night, events, holidays, or even when I want to make sure my curl lasts for dayssss, I'll use this one and as the curl softens it still holds because it started a little tighter. Ya feel me? You need it.

Regular price of NEW iron: $129

*Black Friday price of a NEW: $90.30

Regular price of a COB iron: $99

*Black Friday price of a COB iron: $69.30

3. Coast Pro Titanium Styling Iron - The Beach... straightener

I know, it's a little against the grain for the Beachwaver to make a flat iron, but this isn't just a flat iron — it also curls. Hear me out - it can act as a normal flat iron and will get your hair sleek as ish. But it also has curved attachments on the outside that will let you curl your ends under if you don't prefer stick straight, and for those who are savvy enough to curl with a flat iron {don't look at me}, the attachments give you that extra oomph.

Regular price: $139

BF price: $69.30

4. Stay Strong Reparative Kit - My favorite re-hydrating products

This is Beachwaver's newest arsenal and I am hooked. It smells like a cozy warm night, but it's a soft scent, not overpowering {some scents make me sick to my stomach, this ain't one of 'em}. The descriptions on the shampoo and conditioner say it'll make your hair feel like virgin hair after three washes — it ain't lying. My hair gets super dry in the winter and this is giving it life. The mousse that it comes with goes in your hair before washing — it's weird, it works, don't ask questions.

Regular price of Reparative Kit {shampoo, conditioner, pre-wash foam}: $114

*BF price: $63.70

Individual shampoo OR conditioner reg. price: $36

*BF price: $25.20

Individual pre-wash foam reg. price: $42

*BF price: $29.40

Btdubs, for those calculating, it's $16 cheaper to get the whole set opposed to the individual products.

5. Great Barrier - The protector

Before you put heat on your hair {waver or flat iron} you haveee to protect it. No matter how amazing an iron is, it's still hot and your hair will still thank you if you protect it first. I use the GB spray every time I wave — just spray a lighter layer on top of the section you're about to curl. Bonus: Seconds as a hair perfume, because it smells divine.

Regular price: $33

*BF price: 15.40 {comes with a full size and bonus travel size for the holidays!}

6. Braid Balm - A styling MUST

Clearly, braids aren't going anywhere, so you might as well invest in this braid "foam." You can put it in your hair while it's damp or dry and it helps to smooth any frizz; gives you some grit in your hair so it's easier to grab and braid; and when you take your braids out you have the most gorgeous soft natural beachwaves. I use it in my daughter's baby-fine hair because we know kiddo hair is a B to braid and this gives it some hold so it's not slipping out of my hands. Plus, it's like a little conditioning balm. Bottom line: Add to your cart, especially because...

Regular price: $24 for one

*BF price: $26.60 for a bundle of TWO! {hello, someone's stocking}

7. Prep Brush - Like the Wet Brush, but better...

Obsessed with this brush for me, my kiddos, and my clients. It glides through hair like a Wet Brush, but even better? They've outdone themselves.

Regular price: $11 for one

*BF price: $9.10 for TWO! {gifts on gifts on gifts}

8. On Set Pro Brush - The smoother

I'm an avid for brushing out your curls. Call me crazy, but I swear to you that your curls are not going to fall out as long as you follow the cardinal rules and let them cool before brushing out. They'll go from uber bouncy Blair Waldorf prissy curls {still love you, B} to cool-girl Serena waves. This brush is usually hella expensive so to me this is one of the best deals.

Regular price: $42 {for a brush, no joke, it's that good}

*BF price: $17.64 {whaaaattt #buysabackup}

9. Perfume Rollerballs - My new favorite scents

The number one thing my clients say when I'm using BW products is, "What is that? It smells amazing!" I concur, and so does Beachwaver, so they created B.Bungalow, a fragrance line that features the scents from their products {just waiting for them to launch candles...}. These rollerballs are perfect to throw in your purse for when you're on the go during the holidays!

Regular price: $32 for one

*BF price: $22 for Bali Beach Night AND Polynesian Pink Sugar rollerballs {BOTH!}

The sale doesn't end there, and I could go on with my favs, but am I really going to list the entire website?! That would be overkill, even for me, yea? But they also have insane deals on their other products, bun wrap-ups, and the BLACKFRIDAY30 code works on anything across their entire site.

Oh, and, 'tis the season for giveaways... so keep an eye on my Instagram for some surprises ;-)


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